Once again, I would like to thank all of them for everything! =)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Visit the Cats town
Once again, I would like to thank all of them for everything! =)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Another BIG day!!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Gratitude
Monday, September 13, 2010
Michael Jackson's This Is It!

After 'This Is It' had been released, I'm watching the dvd everyday in my room, even though not watching, will listen to his songs and still loving it.
Anyway, MJ is the legend.
Love lives forever.....
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Mama, who is sitting inside the cockpit?
Remembering many years ago, little girl asked:"Mama, who is sitting inside the cockpit? are they trained in the army?"
"No, they are pilots. They are trained in the flying school like anybody else sweetheart, and there are girl pilots as well." she replied.
This curious little girl starts her fantasies, "what's the feeling of flying an aircraft? is it scary?", "Wow! the pilots get to go around the world, how cool is that!"
Love travelling after since she went overseas for the first time, little girl began searching the information about pilots and flying schools. She fell in love with aircrafts eventually, and set 'become an airline pilot' as her goal. After going through few difficult thoughts and decisions, she finally went into a flying school located in an lovely island.
She remembers the first time she sat in the small training aircraft, back-sitting her batch mate and a French instructor flying around the island. The feeling was ....hardly described. A mix feeling of nervous, anxious, joys and dream come true! The good thing about small aircraft is the pilot can actually see more fascinating scenery from top, and more flexible on the controls.
Time flies fast, like it really speeds up when you think about the past. 18 months of training in an island, the little girl has grown up and got her wings! This is an incredible experience which she can actually fly an aircraft, though it's just the very first step to become a commercial pilot.
And today, she is working hard to have the dream come true which she set when she was a little girl. =D
Good Luck!
Is life being ridiculous?
I was watching this movie last night, telling a story happened in the 60s, there's a family living in a self built shop-house at the end of a street in downtown Hong Kong. This shabby house has very poor foundation, which can be easily blown away by the typhoon. Selling handmade shoes for living, they have to pay for the pricey rented land every month plus paying the expensive education for two sons.
A small business doesn't make big money, instead of eating more rice everyday they are suffering big financial issue. It gets worst after the doctor diagnosed their elder son has blood cancer, parents fight hard to get cures and sell off their valuables to get him medicines. With the unsatisfied technologies at that time, and those immature human behaviors have killed their son in the end. Well, I think this world has more sadder stories.
I have a thought, what if one day I have a terminal disease? Would it be cured? What if there's no tomorrow for me? Then what should I do today? Should I be scared then? I have no idea! What is life actually? What should we do in our life? Work to death? NO! Sometimes, it's just ridiculous when we think of it; relatives or friends passed away in a sudden. Did they enjoy their life before that?
I always forget how blissful am I living in such a nice environment. No poverty, no earthquake, no natural disaster, no domestic violence, no infectious disease, etc. I am totally blessed to be here! I have a superb family, we have fun all the time and love gathering! I will remind myself everyday when I wake up in the morning saying "Thank God I'm here!". I'm enjoying my life, be healthy, less anger and more laughter.God bless you...
'Grey's Anatomy'

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
"Mayday Mayday Mayday!!!"
"Training aircraft crashed and killed a female trainee pilot."
A small aircraft crashed in the hillside an caught fire after bang into a tree, the male instructor is seriously injured. Unfortunately, the female cadet could not be able to climb out of the aircraft during the huge fiery burns, she was burnt alive.
Flying is fun yet dangerous! However, this wont hold back my interest to be the person sitting in the cockpit! In fact, I am grateful that nothing happens during my training one year ago. "Phewwwww!"
This indeed is a serious job, a person's attitude is very important, so do I! Well, emergency happens all the time, no matter how experienced you are, how prepared you are; fate is still the fate! May she rest in Peace.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
'The Last Lecture'

Thursday, September 2, 2010
Get back on the track.....choo!! choo!!
In the second week of June, I walked into the 603 classroom anxiously; it was a biology class which I didn't pick that subject eventually. The lecturer so allowed me to have my seat and my new classmates started introducing themselves; after I heard their introductions I realized that they are all either 17 or 18 year-old! Purely young and graduated from secondary schools!
Well, I am the oldest student in the class indeed, so sometimes I can't stand their attitudes or the way they talk. May be I had been through and seen more things than them, I wasn't that 18 year-old little naive school girl anymore. In fact, my chemistry monthly test result shows I have completely no idea what's about the subject!
It is pretty hard to get back on track after few years with people who are already on the track, but still, I am so lazy to study those very thick text books. It's even thicker than my aeronautics dictionary! Plus, in pre-U studies, to get straight As, every student has to do tons of exercises each day; all those pass years questions which are from year 2001 until 2009! That's hell a lot of it! Anyway, I am still having my own sweet time for this first semester, though my AS exam will be on the next May/June and my classmates are started to freak out! =D
However, at the same time, I am still catching up and waiting for my big dream to come true, hopefully it will happen even before I finish my pre-U studies! Eventually, I still need to work hard at the end of the day, pumping out all of my free time for maths exercises. Err......I am still working hard on this part though!
Wish me luck! =D
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Laziness attacks!
I was convincing myself not go to the college today; reasons start popping out from my head!
"It's hot today, I might feel sick after that",
"It's just practical, it should be fine if I don't go once in a while",
"Today has only 2 hours lesson, it is troublesome to go all the way for a short class"
"I don't think mum knows the way where she is supposed to drop me"
All of these nonsense reasons did work, and it brings me here writing blog about how I could skip classes today! What..?!
Well kids, please do not learn this bad habit from me! Giving yourself excuses are just cheating on your own, it wont make any better. Like now, staying at home is just boring.....!