I have missed piano so much, when can I play it again? Frankly, I don't regret stopping piano lesson after archiving grade 4. I enjoy playing as a hobby, not for the exam. I play for fun, just like the reason I learned guitar. Watching my fingers dancing over the black and white keys makes me alive as my soul and music have collided in the atmosphere. The wonderful feeling is generated only when I play the songs I love, which are pretty boring now since I had played it for thousand times! I have always wanted to try playing JayChou's songs until I listened to one of my favorite songs early today! Hands on the mouse, I started searching for piano script online. Found this awesome site and printed out the songs I want! However, there's no piano to play it out... =.= We called it mind-flying in aviation, I guess there will be a mind-playing-piano for me now!
my apartment kan ada piano? hallo? although a bit (lot) out of tune, but better than nothing...
That's not a piano lo! so out of tune! =.=
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