Well, that's from Google Translator, I understand only Buon Giorno!
9th April, a fine evening after work, N was asking me what would I like to have this evening. He suggested Italian! The first thought of the word "Italian", the whole Italian images came into my mind! The Duomos, Florence river, the Leaning Tower, the Fontana di Trevi, pizzeria and pastas! I was like "wooh! let's go!".
We came to this Italian restaurant in somewhere PJ, most of the tables were occupied, Hmmm...good business, the food should be delicious then! Got served in a minute, took out my camera and SNAP SNAP!
I love Aglio Olio style's pasta, so this is the Spicy Beef Bacon Aglio Olio, not sure whether the name is correct?! Duh....! It's beef bacon!
Love the smell of the garlic, but the saltiness of the bacon is a little bit too strong, and it affects the whole pasta. So, it's too salty for ME! However, I still love it! May be next time I should inform them to keep their SALT!
N loves Risotto! He loves it like the monkeys love banana! This is the Grilled Lamb Risotto, with a small bowl of sauce. The lamb was medium cooked, very tender, juicy, so was the risotto! The risotto tastes like the one I had back in Florence market, the Tripe Risotto! You won't feel greasy after have it a lot! Very nice!
Drip all the sauce on the lamb.... "Hmmmm.....I'm in heaven!"
A good dinner would not be satisfied without a dessert! Molten Chocolate! Honestly, I would never order this when I see the name..."Molten Chocolate"! I was like..."sure that's nice?!"
N strongly recommended this! Of course, I listen to whatever he said!
After 15 minutes, "ta daaaa!". Ok, it looked normal to me though... But wait until I put that on my tongue!
Wooooooooooo! Melted chocolate leaching from the inside! And it's still HOT! The cake is surprisingly crispy at the outside, together with the wipe creme and vanilla flavored ice-cream! That was amazing! The melted hot chocolate is so dense and concentrated, mixed with the freezing ice-cream, plus a little bit of cheery jam at the very bottom! Now I know why......!
Fat again !!!
But looks yummy yummy n I miss Italian food now ..
Shit !!! I ate vege today.
Yeah! Fat!
I tell you! The food are very nice lo! very Italian!
Sadhu sadhu sadhu...
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