HT bought one iPad for her beloved kids, and they bring it out everytime to anywhere and during every meal. Of course, the other kids would be jealous when they see the iPad, keep begging their parents to get one for them. My dad saw this situation last week, he started asking the price of an iPad and the functions in it.
Few days ago, he called P, telling her that he will buy 3 iPads for her 3 kids! In total, he will buy 7 iPads for his 7 grandchildren!!!! WHAT?! How about daughters? I bet the daughters will make good use of those iPads than the grandchildren, no?!
Anyway...... He is not buying any of the iPads now! HAHAHA!
Hello, excuse me, sorry !!
He said 3 was for 3 married family only, not still Single or still Available punya.... T_T
I was told HT this n wish to ask Dad to present me also but she said : Fang, lu mai tam xin, lu ada liao.
But she got also mah means Dad no need to buy for her family coz who ask her cepat cepat beli.
Right ??
Really?! I didn't know the whole story! I found it very funny! hahaha...
That day I met Ms.Chan, she said grandchildren got then why daughters tak ada?! hahaha
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